Moving Through Grief

during the holiday season

Sunday, November 10

10am - 2pm

Maha Yoga Studio

2030 Sansom Street, Philadelphia

$125 Investment

The holiday season is often a time of chaos, stress, and pressure—pressure to be joyful, celebrate, socialize, and maintain traditions. For those who are grieving, the energy of the holidays can feel overwhelming. The complexities of loss can be magnified during this time of togetherness, and the expectation to participate in the festivities often clashes with the natural desire to withdraw, reflect, and avoid the cheerfulness around you. 

This special edition of Moving Through Grief will focus on navigating grief during the holiday season. Through supportive discussion, breathwork (pranayama), guided visualization (Yoga Nidra), and gentle movement this workshop provides an opportunity to step away from the holiday hustle and into a safe and compassionate community of people who “get it”.

We hope that attendees take away the following:

  • Clarity regarding how to honor your unique needs and personal capacity this holiday season

  • Tools for navigating gatherings in ways that feel respectful of your grief

  • A deeper understanding of what ritual and tradition now mean to you 

  • Support from a community of fellow grievers 

  • A space to rest, tend to your pain and to feel respite from the pressure to feel joyful

No prior yoga experience is necessary. Please reach out if cost is a barrier to your participation.

Please note: In order to maintain a safe and supportive environment, this workshop will be limited to 15 participants. Registrants that are new to Healing Concepts and/or Komorebi Griefwork may be pre-screened by phone.

Moving Through Grief is a series of workshops presented in partnership with Jen Whitehead, MSW, LCSW, at Healing Concepts. Healing Concepts is a therapy practice based out of West Chester, PA. It uses an accessible, non-pathologizing, and holistic approach to support clients with grief and loss histories across PA and NJ. Jen Whitehead’s clinical approach draws heavily on the connection between mind and body. She honors the profound wisdom the grieving body holds, and helps clients tend to their grief from the inside out.

Moving Through Grief

a series of workshops presented in partnership with Jen Whitehead, therapist at Healing Concepts

The Moving through Grief workshop provides a safe and non-judgemental space for those grieving the loss of a loved one - to connect to, attend to and move through their grief. 

Loss is a threat to our nervous systems that catapults us into fight, flight, or freeze. Extended time in these states can affect our immune systems, sleep cycles, appetite, cortisol (stress) levels, and overall wellness. Unprocessed grief can get stuck in the body in the form of illness, pain, anxiety or addiction. 

Together, we compassionately navigate the individual grief experience through a combination of supportive discussion, breathwork (pranayama), gentle movement, guided visualization (Yoga Nidra), and group exercises. We practice tuning into the body to find and unravel what may be stuck. 

Our hope is that attendees take away the following:

  • Tools for managing sadness, anxiety, and overwhelm that can be applied to daily life

  • An increased understanding of the biology of grief

  • An enhanced capacity to honor their individual grief process

  • A greater sense of community and connection surrounding their grief

*No yoga experience necessary. All movement practices will be simple and modifiable

more soon.

Stay in touch to learn about groups, workshops and retreats.